2020 Lake Joseph Pool Rules


Good News- We have been in contact with the Board of Health and they have allowed us to open the pool with the following conditions:

1. Board of Health Regulations Below

2. Members and their guests MUST not exceed 17 persons in TOTAL in the pool area

3. A self- monitored sign in sheet will be provided and we may also provide additional details on protocols for signing up. You may reserve and sign up for a 2 hour period up to 24 hours before the desired time and extend your stay if there is no other home owner waiting for pool time. If there are less than 17 People, the other homeowners and their guests can enter the pool who have not signed up, but people who have signed up have priority. We will try to make a virtual sign up here in the next few days.

4. Use of masks is at the discretion of the homeowner as per the Board of Health guidelines.

5. Social distancing must be maintained- 6 foot distancing

6.Each homeowner must be responsible for their group; supplies for proper hand and respiratory hygiene, including soap, disposable paper towels, alcohol based hand sanitzer containing at least 60% alcohol and tissue/trash receptacles.

7. Homeowners will be responsible for sanitary cleaning of the public areas of the pool not limited to: lawn chairs, tables, restrooms, and removal/disposal of trash after you leave and your guests visited the pool.

8. Any implementation of the rules will be the responsibility of the homeowner.

9. And and all fines for breaking the rules by the homeowners or their guests will be the responsibility of the homeowner

10. The Lake Joseph Board will not be "patrolling" the pool

11. Please note that there is a camera at the pool recording all activity and that any infraction will be the homeowners sole responsibility.

Click here for Board of Health Regulations.